REVIEW: Baulders Gate 3

My new Favorite Game

Posted by msatterfield on December 29, 2023

Platform: PS5

Percent Complete: %100


To put it simply, this is the best game I have ever played.

The story is riveting, giving you a sense of urgency while rewarding exploration.  The  characters engaging and well-acted, every quest feels important, and the number of available decisions are almost (but not quite) overwhelming. I do not think it is possible to see everything in just one play through.

The DND 5e mechanics are implemented well. Playing on normal (balanced) difficulty, there were a few fights that gave me a hard time, however nothing that frustrated to excess. My only complaint is the hard cap on level 12. I think I probably played the first run though for more than 30 hours after hitting the max.

The settings themselves are detailed and varied. Playing on the PS5, as opposed to a PC (I don’t play games on computers.. it’s a thing.) I found the interface to be intuitive and functional.

Bottom line:

 I have never been so engaged. My first run through was around 170 hours.